Advice from experts

Throughout the entire cycle.


Each application is individual and specific and places different demands on the drive.


In this first phase of service support, we work with you to analyse the general conditions and your application situation. Based on this, we develop a property profile for your drive and advise you on product selection with regard to optimum fulfilment of these requirements.


Adapted to the expected load profile, your frequency inverter is optimised so that you always use exactly the amount of energy you actually need without wasting resources.

Accordingly, we support you with the optimum system combination of motor and inverter.


The modular concept of our frequency inverter allows you to customise the configuration of the device according to your needs. We will be happy to advise you on the optimum configuration to suit your requirements.


Commissioning is child's play with our frequency inverters, as they have an automatic commissioning function. You can see how easily this works in the following tutorial videos.  However, if you have any special requests or questions about parameterisation, we will be happy to help you at any time.


Support can be provided either remotely via telephone or Holo Lens or directly on site at your premises. Depending on your requirements, we can also integrate the system into your fieldbus environment, for example, so that you receive a fully operational system.


If you would like to adapt the frequency inverter even more individually to the processes in your application, we offer you the option of an individually programmed soft PLC directly in the device. We programme this according to your requirements, making small external controllers superfluous.


Of course, we also make you fit for the job with our frequency inverters and train your employees so that they themselves become experts in commissioning, parameterisation or optimisation. We offer general training courses as webinars or exclusively at your premises.


We are able to read and analyse the data from your appliances. This means we can not only make corrections to your parameters, but also optimise the dimensioning of your entire system based on data on device utilisation and operating history, thus helping you to save costs.


Of course, we also support you in the event of a service call. Simple problems can often be solved by analysing the error memory. But even when it comes to the hardware side, e.g. checking the connections or analysing the device, we are at your disposal with help and advice in the form of replacement devices and, if necessary, a repair service.